Original article by Glenn Meeks, Pallet Enterprise
Marketing expert, Glenn Meeks, identifies what makes a pallet or lumber company website successful when it comes to attracting and recruiting new employees. Turn your website into a recruiting tool.
A business website will serve many different purposes. It is the digital hub that provides valuable information to customers, processes transactions or provides data to customers, and becomes the public face of your company to the world. It is likely the first place where people looking for employment will visit to learn more about the company. That potential new hire is reviewing the website to get a better understanding of the story that the business is telling. The question becomes, “What is the story the business is communicating to the world?”
Very often, companies will use the About page to tell a story about their business. In the pallet industry, it is sometimes about a parent, or even a grandparent, that started with a truck, a garage, hard work, and a dream. While this a great way of displaying a history of growth and service to customers, it may be time to rethink the approach when communicating what a great employer the company is to those potential new hires.
A potential new hire wants to know about the company as it operates today and a Careers page on the company website is a great way to collect and communicate information about becoming and being an employee. Aside from making standard job listings available, the page can be utilized to display pertinent information about the company that is relevant to employment. For instance, it is a good idea to have pictures available that show different areas of work in the business like the shop floor or office.
The Careers page is a great opportunity to showcase current employees and their stories. A short employee biography with pictures is a powerful way to communicate how the company treats its workers. A quick recorded video interview with a current employee is even better. Your employees really are your best salespeople to those looking for jobs at the company. Using these resources on the website demonstrates to future employees that the employer values its workforce.
While the company website can function as a career hub for the business, social media is an antenna that broadcasts about the company to the wider world. Of course, social media is a great way to advertise available job openings. Most social media platforms offer job postings as part of their paid services. It is also a tremendous opportunity to showcase the company and connect with a newcomer.
Most people have five or more social media accounts, and while potential employees are using social media channels like LinkedIn to look for jobs, they are almost certainly using those same channels to further investigate the company in general. What are they looking for? In two words – engagement and information.
A company website provides a view of the company and its services that is most often tilted toward customers and finding new business. Social media offers outsiders the chance to dive a little deeper and the opportunity to view the culture of a company as a great place to work.
However, when was the last time the company posted anything to LinkedIn or another social media channel? Has it been more than six months ago? Did the company post about how great their service is or was it something about employees?
Especially important is communicating how the company is addressing COVID concerns internally. Certainly, you want your customers to know that you are up, running, and available for business. Think about what a potential employee is looking for when it comes to how COVID is being handled within the company. Using a social media channel to clearly inform new hires about company policies regarding COVID provides clarity and peace of mind that the business is a safe place to work. Th
Full Article: palletenterprise.com